November 14th, 2022
11: 15 am
Conference on the Park and/or Zoom
Meeting ID: 813 5657 6421
Passcode: 300157
Central Park Complex Bldg., 110 Franklin Street, 1st Floor, Johnstown, PA 15901
Tanya Kvarta, Rebecca Valle, Tracy Selak, Tracy Shultz, Fred Olivaros, Commissioner Scott Hunt, Commissioner Tom Chernisky, Brandi Mangus
- Approval of Minutes: September 19 th meeting minutes: Approved motion Commissioner Hunt / seconded by Commissioner Chernisky. No discussion.
- Review of requested financials: (See attachment): August balance sheet made available to all in attendance. No changes, no discussion. Approved motion by Commissioner Hunt / seconded by Commissioner Chernisky.
- BHoCC/County Contract 2023: The annual contract that is renewed to be the entity over Cambria county. Fiscal year January – December. Sent to Melissa Kestermont for signatures. Approved motion by Commissioner Hunt / seconded by Commissioner Chernisky. No discussion.
- Reinvestment Committee Meeting: Ad hoc: Approved motion by Commissioner Hunt / seconded by Commissioner Chernisky.
- CIT – Spent down. Received multi-year PCCD grant for 2000. $190,000 for over 2 years. $20,000 grant approved
- TH – Spend down on track. A grant from the Community Foundation for sustainability.
- WIC – Construction is close to being completed. The RFP deadline is 11/21. Quote for security in review.
- Recovery Center (New Plan)-Sent to state. Waiting for response.
- Low Barrier Diversion (New Plan) – In the final editing process then will be sent to the state for approval
- Behavioral Health of Cambria County (BHoCC) Key Initiatives for 2022
- Homelessness
- Drug & Alcohol
- Suicide Prevention
- Magellan Behavioral Health (MBH) Updates:
- Unspent medical dollars in 2022 explained. Magellan tracking closely. Will infuse the provider network with the ability to use monies not spent to put back into the provider network pending BHoCC and county approval.
- 2022 BHoCC Trainings: UPDATE: All trainings will be held in-person (Cambria County Academic Center) and transition to zoom if needed due to COVID regulations. More information can be found on our FB page and/or website
- What is a “Recovery Community Organization” (RCO) – November 17th, 9 am-5 pm
- Report to the Community – December 2nd, 10 am-1 pm
- Executive Session: Motion to approve executive session Commissioner Hunt / Second Tom Chernisky. Executive session 11:52-11:55
- BHoCC Annual Salary Increase
Adjourn: Motion to Adjourn: Approved motion by Commissioner Hunt / seconded by CommissionerChernisky
Next meeting: January 2023 (Date(s) TBD)