January 23 rd, 2023
11:00 am
4th Floor Conference Room
Central Park Complex Bldg., 110 Franklin Street, 4th Floor, Johnstown, PA 15901
Tanya Kvarta, Rebecca Valle, Tracy Shultz, Amy Hamilton, Fred Oliveros, Commissioner Scott Hunt, Commissioner BJ Smith, Commissioner Tom Chernisky
- Approval of Minutes: November 14 th, 2022 meeting minutes: Approved motion Commissioner Hunt/ seconded by Commissioner Chernisky. No discussion
- Review of requested financials: (See attachment) November 2022 balance sheet made available to all in attendance. No changes, no discussion.
- Reinvestment Committee Meeting: Ad hoc:
- Housing plans reviewed
- Transitional Housing
- Supportive Housing (Has ended. Tracy revisit comeback)
- Recovery Community Center- RFP submissions under review (1 submission)
- Low barrier Diversion Shelter
- Housing plans reviewed
- Behavioral Health of Cambria County (BHoCC) Key Initiatives for 2023: n/a
- Magellan Behavioral Health (MBH) Updates:
- Crisis stabilization
- Network adequacy
- 2023 BHoCC Trainings: UPDATE: All trainings will be held in-person (Cambria County Academic Center) and transition to zoom if needed due to COVID regulations. More information can be found on our FB page and/or website www.bhocc.org.
- “ What is Peer Support?”, March 21st, 9-5 (?) – Richard Jones
- Motivational Interviewing 2-day; April 11 & 12, 9-4, Barbara Orr
- “All Stressed Up and No One to Choke”; April 25th, 9-4, Karen Vadine
- Blended Family; May 10th, 9-4, Barbara Orr
- Adolescent MH Issues & Intervention Strategies; June 7, 9-4, Barbara Orr
- LGBTQ, July 14th, 9-4 – Melissa Perkins
- Shape the Sky, August 1st, 9-4, Ryan Klingensmith
- Trauma-Informed Care; August 9th, 9-4, Barbara Orr
- Ethics; September 15th, 1-4, Andrew Nocita
- Motivational Interviewing 2-day; September 26 & 27, Barbara Orr
- S.M.A.R.T. Goals; October 11th, 9-4, Barbara Orr
- Motivational Interviewing Tot 3-day; 9-4, November 7, 8, 9, 9-4, Barbara Orr
- Report to the Community; December 1st, Tanya Kvarta
- Executive Session: Motion to approve executive session Commissioner Hunt / second Commissioner Chernisky. Executive session 11:26/11:30
- BHoCC salary request and 403B retirement contribution
- Salary increases of 4% for BHoCC staff
- 403 retirement contributions to be discussed/presented at the next meeting with Joe in attendance.
- BHoCC salary request and 403B retirement contribution
Adjourn: Motion to Adjourn: Approved motion by Commissioner Hunt / seconded by Commissioner Smith
Next meeting: March 13th, 2023
2023 Meeting Dates:
January 23
March 13
May 22
July 24
September 25
November 13